Emergency Accommodation
ARVL’s emergency accommodation consists of 10 units, in the suburb of Sturt, designed to provide temporary accommodation for veterans who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or in need of transit accommodation. Our program operates with an adapted housing first solution and our primary goal is to focus on housing pathways to assist veterans in securing permanent housing. Additionally, whilst residing in our emergency accommodation, we develop individualised case plans to assist veterans to actively work towards addressing their own situation of homelessness by engaging with external support agencies and relevant Ex-Service Organisations.
RSL Care SA will provide a fully furnished one bedroom unit or bedsit (as pictured). The length of stay at ARVL will be determined on a case by case basis and will be in alignment with personal circumstances and housing needs.
Eligibility for Emergency Accommodation
To be eligible you must be a former member of the Australian Defence Force who:
- Is homeless, at risk of being homeless or in need of transit accommodation
- Is able to live independently
- Does not have any serious behavioural or drug and alcohol issues or dependence
- Does not have any children or pets that would need to reside with them on a permanent basis
- Is willing to continue medical and psychological treatment as advised by practitioners
- Is willing to engage with support services identified in the individual case plan.
RSL Care SA applies a tiered approach when considering those who apply for accommodation based on service history, risk factors, the veteran’s needs and housing availability. Unfortunately, we cannot help all that apply; equally some applicants will prove to not be suitable for the type of accommodation offered. However, in all cases, we will endeavour to assist veterans to access the most suitable housing options for their circumstances.

Enquire about ARVL
Enquiring about our affordable and emergency accomodation is STEP 1 in a Multi Step process. Thank you for your understanding.